I'm just keepin' it real when I say ... Thank goodness I get to eat solid food! Glorious food!
It's the end of my 3-day juice cleanse. I'm sipping on my last mug of steamy soothing nut milk right now. Mmmm! But to be honest, I'm glad this juice cleanse is over.Not because it didn't taste good. The juices were quite delicious. And I'm a picky eater.
Not because it made me feel crappy. I was a little lethargic but nothing that impacted my day. I actually felt pretty good by day 3. Not because I was starving. I felt hungry from time to time but I learned to sip my juice throughout the day instead gulping it down in one sitting. That made a huge difference.
I'm glad the juice cleanse is over because I miss different flavours and textures of foods in my mouth. I miss the smell of salmon baking in my oven. I miss the feeling of licking smooth and creamy peanut butter off of a spoon. I miss the crunchy goodness of almonds. I miss the juicy-ness of a crisp Gala apple. I look forward to experiencing that again ... and again ... and again!
So how do I feel? Well my stomach is nice and flat. :) No bloating. No gas. Just good! I lost a few pounds. 5 maybe. But that's how I feel NOW. The real test for me will be when I start re-introducing solid food into my system. I have a plan from a nutritionist on how to eat post-juice cleanse. I'll start my day with a protein fruit smoothie, eat lots of fruits and veggies, and maybe have a little fish. I'll do that for 3 days before introducing other things like chicken or nuts or grains like quinoa. It will be an exercise in patience. Hmmm ... patience. Something that is challenging for me.
How did it impact me spiritually? Well it got me thinking about what I REALLY want out of life. I thought about my priorities right now. I thought a lot about how I can be more "Authentic Cara". Because "Authentic Cara" is an "Awesomer Cara"! That's right! I said "Awesomer"!
Will I do a juice cleanse again? Yes. Once maybe twice a year. But in the meantime I'm going to enjoy and be truly GRATEFUL for every morsel of food I put in my mouth. Truly GRATEFUL.
P.S. I'm going to miss the night time nut milk treat. :)
You are trully a trooper for me I cant do drinks and cleanses (well not that I cant) but I need to have food! I am someone who enjoy texture! it must have required some amazing will power!