Friday, April 12, 2013

OMG! I've Got Break Up Belly!

"Omg! What the f+*# is that?" That's what I thought as I bounced around in my friend's fitness class. "Ugh! It can't be! Yes it is" I exclaimed to myself. "I've got break-up belly!". You know. When you get dumped and between crying and cursing you resort to comforting carbs or whining wine or sobbing sweets. Most people know this as "emotional eating." Whatever you call it, I did it and now I'm seeing the sad results! As I watched my middle jiggle and my belly bulge I was not impressed. Neither were my muscles for that matter. Man. I feel so out of shape.

What am I going to do about it? First, cut out all sugar or sweeteners except for fruit. Second, cutback big time on eating out. Third, bump it up a notch in the gym. Three manageable steps I can handle. Time to get into Superwoman mode! Get out of my way as I get back on the Fit and Fierce train!

By the way, Fit and Fierce Boot Camp is coming back ... better than ever! Want more details? Email me at